Animation Vol.1 (Profi ROM)(1994).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
360 lines
// IOStreams Package
// Steve Teale April 1992
// Copyright Symantec Corp 1990-1992. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __FSTREAM_H
#define __FSTREAM_H
#include <iostream.h>
#pragma pack(__DEFALIGN)
class filebuf : public streambuf {
// This is a streambuf class specialized for handling files.
// The get and put pointers are locked together so that reads and writes
// happen at the same offset into the file.
enum { openprot = 0644 };
// The default constructor. Creats a filebuf that is not associated
// with any file. open() or attach() can then be used to connect
// to a file.
filebuf(int file_descriptor, int io_mode = ios::in|ios::out
// Constructs a filebuf for the open file attached to the argument
// file descriptor. More comprehensive io_mode information can
// be specified e.g. ios::app, if required
filebuf(int descriptor, char *memory, int length,
int io_mode = ios::in|ios::out
// Constructs a filebuf for the open file attached to the
// file_descriptor, and sets the buffer to "memory", which is of
// "length" bytes in size. If memory is 0 or length is <= 0,
// it is taken as a request that the file be unbuffered.
filebuf *attach(int file_descriptor,
int io_mode = ios::in|ios::out
#if M_UNIX_ || M_XENIX
// Attaches an open file to a filebuf. Returns "this" if successful,
// 0 if the filebuf is already attached to a file.
filebuf *close();
// Flushes output, closes the file, and detaches the file from this
// filebuf. Clears the error state unless there is an error flushing
// the output. Will always close the file and detach it from the
// filebuf, even if there are errors.
int fd() const { return file; };
// Returns the file descriptor for the connected file. If the
// filebuf is closed or not attached to a file, returns EOF.
int is_open() const { return file != EOF; };
// Returns non-zero when this filebuf is attached to a file,
// otherwise returns zero.
filebuf *open(const char *name, int io_mode,
int protection = openprot);
// Opens the file "name", and connects it to this filebuf.
// io_mode is a bit-mask containing one or more of the values of
// enum open_mode:
// ios::in Open for reading.
// ios::out Open for writing.
// ios::ate Position to the end-of-file.
// ios::app Open the file in append mode.
// ios::trunc Truncate the file on open.
// ios::nocreate Do not attempt to create the file if it
// does not exist.
// ios::noreplace Cause the open to fail if the file exists.
// ios::translate Convert CR/LF to newline on input and
// vice versa on output
streampos seekoff(streamoff offset, ios::relative_to,
int which);
// Relative seek the get and put pointers within the file.
// The get and put pointers of a filebuf always point to the
// same byte of the file.
streambuf *setbuf(char *memory, int length);
// Set the buffer to use "memory", of "length" bytes.
// If memory == 0 or length <= 0, it is taken as a request that
// I/O to the file be unbuffered.
int sync();
// Flush any bytes in the get buffer, and re-position the file so
// that is appears they were never read. Write any bytes in the
// put buffer to the file.
#if __SC__ > 0x214
int overflow(int c);
int overflow(int c = EOF);
// Flush bytes in the put area to the file.
int underflow();
// Get more bytes for reading.
int doallocate();
int pbackfail(int c);
// Called to atempt recovery if putback attempted at
// start of get buffer
void buffer_setup();
// Internal. Set up I/O buffer.
int newlines();
// count newline chars in the get buffer
int syncin();
int syncout();
// two halves of sync() function
int fillbuf();
int flushbuf();
// Functions which actually transfer to/from
// the file
int file; // File descriptor for the associated file.
short mode; // I/O mode from the argument to open().
char unbuf[2];
// pseudo buffer for unbuffered operation
char *gptr_;
char *egptr_;
// Save old gptr() & egptr() while using the
// pushback buffer.
char pushback_buf[4];
// Reserve buffer for pushback.
// Only used if there is no room for pushback in
// the regular buffer.
char do_not_seek;
// Set if the file (device) does not support seeks.
// This is set for a TTY, or a Unix pipe.
char own_file_descriptor;
// Set if the file descriptor is from open, and
// the file should be closed by the destructor.
static const int lseek_consts[3];
// A look up table for the lseek constants from
// the appropriate C header file
class fstream_common : virtual public ios {
// Features common to ifstream, ofstream, and fstream.
void attach(int file_descriptor, int io_mode);
// Attach the filebuf to the argument file descriptor, error state
// set to ios::failbit|ios::badbit on failure.
void close();
// Flush the filebuf, and close the file attached to it. Error state
// set ios::failbit|ios::badbit if rdbuf()->sync() fails. File closed
// regardless.
void open(const char *name, int io_mode,
int protection = filebuf::openprot);
// Open a file, and attach it to the filebuf. Error state set to
// ios::failbit|ios::badbit on failure
void setbuf(char *memory, int length)
buffer.setbuf(memory, length);
// Use the argument memory, of the given length, as the I/O buffer.
filebuf *rdbuf() { return &buffer; }
// Note that fstream_common::rdbuf returns a filebuf*
// instead of a streambuf*.
filebuf buffer;
class ifstream : public fstream_common, public istream {
// Create an ifstream not attached to any file.
ifstream(const char *name, int io_mode = ios::in | ios::nocreate
,int protection = filebuf::openprot);
| ios::translated, int protection = filebuf::openprot);
// Open the argument file and create an ifstream attached to it.
ifstream(int file_descriptor, int io_mode = ios::in
| ios::translated);
// Create an ifstream attached to the argument file descriptor.
ifstream(int file_descriptor, char *memory, int length,
int io_mode = ios::in
| ios::translated);
// Create an ifstream attached to the argument file descriptor, and
// using the argument memory as the I/O buffer.
void attach(int file_descriptor, int io_mode = ios::in
| ios::translated)
fstream_common::attach(file_descriptor, io_mode);
void open(const char *name, int io_mode = ios::in
,int protection = filebuf::openprot)
| ios::translated, int protection = filebuf::openprot)
fstream_common::open(name, io_mode, protection);
class ofstream : public fstream_common, public ostream {
// Create an ofstream not attached to any file.
ofstream(const char *name, int io_mode = ios::out
,int protection = filebuf::openprot);
| ios::translated, int protection = filebuf::openprot);
// Open the argument file and create an ofstream attached to it.
ofstream(int file_descriptor, int io_mode = ios::out
| ios::translated);
// Create an ofstream attached to the argument file descriptor.
ofstream(int file_descriptor, char *memory, int length,
int io_mode = ios::out
| ios::translated);
// Create an ofstream attached to the argument file descriptor, and
// using the argument memory as the I/O buffer.